Visa joys

By admin. Filed in London to Sydney, motorcycle touring, Preparation  |  
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Well we are on the final leg to get our Russian visas, cutting it fine as always though we like to live on the edge! The only visa that fits our journey is the 1 year multi entry business visa, costing us £1000 so we are praying we get it as thats a big loss in funds and our trip. We do have a backup plan however we feel confident with the OBT  the agency we have gone with, as they have come highly recommended.

We have just one final visa to get and that is for Kazakistan, however since we will be requiring a double entry visa which needs an invitation. The company that is organising it has advised us that we can only apply two months before date of entry. So we have organised few more days in Istanbul to get there which is great sure be a beautiful city so we dont mind staying a little longer to explore the nooks and crannies.

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