Italy to Slovenia…. Weather not included.

By admin. Filed in Alps, Italy, London to Sydney, motorcycle touring, Slovenia, Wild Camping  |  
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Well well what can I say, yesterday was very hot at ‘only’ 34 degrees (Celcius), I was sweating by the time we got into Slovenia, after only 2 hours ride from where we camped in Italy. We went to the petrol station and was surprised to see that the Unleaded petrol was less than 1.10 Euro/ litre which when we were paying 1.33 Euro per litre 5 miles away in Italy was a lovely surprise.And even more lovely when you think that in France some places wanted 1.429 Euro/Litre.We had to pay road tax on our bikes which was 17.50 Euro for 6 months (Bugger)..We got to a forest which we had lunch on the side of the road, I threw off my jacket as I was baking hot! My shirt was wet it was so hot though the blow flies and mossies made me pay for it whilst biting my Naive arse. We saw a great camping site so decided to get some water and camp there the night. Went into “town” which was a couple of houses and a few shacks for Slovenia, there was the castle in the rock face/cave which we had planned to see it this afternoon though we put it off until tomorrow because it was late and the “town” resembled a western movie ghost town. The only missing part was the tumbleweed and the tune. We were going to take photos though thought there would be plenty of time… not to mention heather had not charged the battery for the camera since we left the UK and we had no power captain!!!.

Morning sunshine! I think not, I was awoken during the night to some “showers” and what I thought was a bear (heather), though I thought it would pass.. a little morning shower. By 7am it was raining hard and thunder and lighting was seriously above us cracking away, was quite scary at first thinking we may be struck… fried aussies in a tent.. what could be worse… thinking of the bikes. James said we should wait until 10am until it passes, though the only thing he was passing was his so called “central heating” which I could have done without whilst stuck in a tent. We played some cards while hearing the massive cracking of lightning overhead which wasn’t appearing to be moving on like any other storm. I decided that I wanted out… I wanted out now.. ASAP.. I was over James’ so called central heating which frankly I was almost passing out and playing cards was hard whilst you couldn’t actually sit up. James seemed to be Hypo on the electricity storm (and central heating) as he was jumping around like a jelly bean and hiding under the covers (read sleeping bag and liner)!! (I think he was actually sniffing the glue) I finally got him to emerge from the tent. We packed up quickly in the pouring rain, which was the fat hard rain by the way. Everything was packed, though where we were wild camped was down a hill in the forest. It was seriously slippery though we finally without any drops got the bikes out (Thanks to James’ mastery of offroad skills and central heating aka Turbo’s). We decided to forget about the castle in the rock under such seriously shit weather and carry on to Croatia. To give you an idea we had to travel 36km on a clay dirt road down what most people would call a cliff.. However the Slovenians call it a road… however interpretation is what travelling is all about.. or lack there of.

We got out of the “campsitte” and started down the mountain… every kilometre was getting more and more windy… which we did not appear to be affected by in the forest. By the time we got back to the main town it was a serious gale wind with debris all over the roads (whole tree’s and Slovenian Drivers). We decided to move on anyway. We got onto the motorway which just getting on to was a struggle. I almost stopped before merging as I felt I was getting blown off the bike and road. Going 30kms per hour I had my hazards on, seeing all the debris in my path trying to avoid while still not being blown off the bike. At one point I stopped, went to the guard rail while the wind was pushing so hard that my bike was getting banged against it. I stopped to cry for my mummy… it didn’t help. I have never ever felt such gale force winds and we were far away from the 34 degrees C of yesterday. It was 11 degrees and the wind chill factor was freezing fingers. James was literally blue. I literally almost felt like crying a couple of times as I thought I was going to get blown off my bike. Whilst I called for my mummy and prayed to god. It finally calmed down (read there was some wind protection on the road). and we exited the motorway. On the other road the wind decided to push us the other direction into incoming traffic, ok so we have had to deal with guard rail winds, oncoming traffic winds, frontal winds and from my prospective James’ winds! (read turbo) I have had almost enough and am exhausted whilst only riding 2 hours. Taking into account the wind speed indicator said the wind was going 100km/hour..,

p.s… I’m now in a hotel drinking beer very drunk writing post.. oops me drunk who would have guessed… ha ha.. heather inc.


  1. Comment by cindyhartwell:

    Like, ohmegawd! It sounds like you were blown to your limit, hehe! Am glad that it all ended well though, what with the narrator getting pissed! As I sit in my lounge, with the doors open onto the garden, the fine 20 degree weather blowing a warm breeze about, watching SA v Bazil (soccer), and actually remaining 0-0, I think of you two, huddled in a stinky tent, all alone, wet and grubby…and I laugh my mother frikken head off!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahah! Suckers!!

  2. Comment by cindyhartwell:

    Only kidding, only kidding!! hehehehe

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