Sibiu and onwards to the Black Sea

By admin. Filed in Black Sea, Bulgaria, Food Poisoning, London to Sydney, motorcycle touring, Resorts, Romania, Transylvania  |  
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So after a long day riding from Transylvania down through some beautiful mountain scenery

A Romanian Alpine Dam in Transylvania

A Romanian Alpine Dam in Transylvania

and fruit orchards. Where we bought some fruit and vegetables from a few road side farms, we bought 1kg of red cherries for 1lei (about 20p).. Still amazed me, the farms scales only did 1kg so we had more cherries than we could ever eat before they went bad… We ended up finding a hotel in a place called Sloboza. The hotel was excellent with a nice restaurant. Just after we sat down for dinner a huge thunderstorm which had been threatening to hit us while we rode came in. It knocked out all the power in the area including the hotel. This was rather amusing as the restaurant couldn’t give us our bill.. the solution was to have a few more drinks while the electricity came on.. Unfortunately with no electricity and no wind, lots of still water the mosquitoes came out in force…Heather then wanted to go inside where it was all dark.. Unfortunately its not so great to be drinking in the dark.. We ended up moving seats out closer to the open area’s hoping that the mosquito problem wouldn’t be so bad. It

One of the Vallies in Romania where we had a break

One of the Vallies in Romania where we had a break

was to great amusement of the other customers watching heather trying to keep the mosquitoes from biting. After a long night we managed to do many of our internet and maintenance tasks in the morning. Then we finally left for our final leg of the Journey through to the Black Sea at Constanta. The ride to the coast was more boring flat roads with almost nothing of interest to see. Some of the river crossings and looking at some of the lochs for huge commercial shipping lines to use made for interesting interruptions to absolutely boring scenery… The one constant that we did have was the same friendly Romanian people everywhere we stopped..

In Constanta we found a Supermarket and bought some food for Lunch and dinner, the hope was to find somewhere that we could stay along the coast.. When we stopped at a beach to have lunch the stench of the industrial black sea was horrendous. It was like the sewerage was just brewing for about 150km along the coast. While we looked for accommodation… we kept riding south then all of a sudden we found that we had arrived at the Bulgarian border which was much closer than we had anticipated. This meant it was the end of our Romanian stage of the trip and we entered Bulgaria.. The first boarder crossing where we had to show that we actually owned our bikes. The boarder was rather confusing and it wasn’t so easy to understand how it all worked. Our passports got taken only once and our bike paper work got checked out.. Then they had a stop sign just down the road with a Bulgarian flag.. However there was nobody there.. Odd.. Let us hope that it won’t cause problems with us getting out of Bulgaria and into Turkey.

Bulgarian FlagAfter crossing the border with Bulgaria you don’t have to buy the Vingette if your on a Motorcycle, however cars and other vehicles are all required to buy the tax. There is a tax stop about 500meters further on from the border. With all the now familiar rip-off exchange shops… We didn’t exchange any money there and ended up riding for about an hour into Bulgaria to find a bank. The police presence that we had in Romania was immediately blitzed by the cops in Bulgaria. It seems that they take road rules very seriously and the speed limits are all over the shop.. Going from 100km to 40 or 30km per hour for no apparent reason. The road quality in Bulgaria has so far been terrible, much worse than Romania and I would recommend anyone to ride with care if they do travel here, they have loads of fine dust on the road which can be like riding on wet glass.

The campsite in Bulgaria.. Finally at the Black Sea

The campsite in Bulgaria.. Finally at the Black Sea

After we got some funds we bought some petrol and went looking for a camp-site or some accommodation for the night. We ended up finding a “camp site”.. well that’s where the fun began. The stench that we could smell at Constanta was actually the water. The campsite was pretty nasty but it was great to go to sleep on the beach with the sounds of the water and the nice cool sea breeze. Unfortunately our stay was to be only one night… At about 4am James was woken with an emergency run to the loo.. The joys of Food poisoning most likely from some dodgy water despite being very careful. Heather was soon to follow with the awful stomach cramps and loo runs.This was what sealed the fate for the campsite. We made a hasty exit to find a hotel where we would have immediate access to clean toilets. As we travelled down the coast to Varna we went through a few resort towns and nothing really caught us despite the desperation of needing to fnd something QUICK!!..

We ended up finding a 4 Star resort that had some availability called the Edelweiss Hotel near “golden sands” on the Bulgarian coast just north of Varna. The hotel room was such a relief.. After finding an ATM and supermarket we stocked up on reserves so we could hibernate while we let the food poisoning pass… A terrible day was had by both of us feeling quiet ill. Every cloud has a silver lining..

One Bulgarian restaurant with "ASDA Price"

One Bulgarian restaurant with "ASDA Price"

After spending a day to get over the first onslaught we managed to go exploring and found the resort and around the town and beaches to be a really nice surprise with loads of great restaurants and shops all along a very nice long beach.

The touts trying to get business into the restaurants have some ingenious ways at their disposal. One of the restaurant touts was a true classic.. She was singing a song “yummie yummie food in your tummie.. go and eat and drink here and get the best food in your tummie that’s really yummie”. It’s funny when the same guys recognise your on a return trip or walking around aimlessly looking for something and try every time despite knowing that your not interested.. I guess no harm in trying. While we walked around the beach area we heard a big crack sound and a whole half side of a tree just fell over.. It was very lucky that nobody was hurt/crushed by the tree coming down so unexpectedly.. It was really unusual, Unfortunately we didn’t have our camera or phone on us to really take in the scene.

If we had raced through Bulgaria like we had planned to after the first two days experience we would never have been able to really appreciate what Bulgaria has to offer. I think that the black sea coast resorts can really offer more for your money with good multi-language skills in absolutely everywhere. I would come back here rather than going to many of the Spanish resort towns…

One Comment

  1. Comment by cindyhartwell:

    Hehe, the singing touting reminds me of Cape Town, there the guys sing to sell their wares at the traffic lights. Shame man, it must be awful to see all that pollution in the sea. Don’t eat the fish!!!! Heehee!

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