Archive for the 'Austria' Category

Austrian alps Italy and the Stelvio pass

Saturday, June 13th, 2009

After leaving our last campsite in Austria just near the boarder we crossed yet another beautiful mountain pass and came to our into our 7th country on our route… Italy.. Wow what a remarkable difference between Italy and Austria.

Heather just after arriving from Austria.

Heather just after arriving from Austria.

The roads and towns in Austria all seemed so picture postcard perfect. As soon as we arrived in Italy there was a difference in the quality of the road surface, the towns all seemed to be a little more run-down.. Although it had more character and the mountiain passes that we had gone over in Austria all seemed small by comparison.. We call it practise mountain passes for what was to come. After about an hour and a half of riding we got to our planned destination.. The start of the Stelvio Pass what an amazing mecca for motorcyclists and car enthuthiests.

South side stelvio pass

South side stelvio pass

The road was so busy being a German bank holiday that it was almost a traffic Jam going up and to a lesser extent down the other side. Being so busy it was creating some very dangerous situations where crazy German bikers would overtake going around the inside of the many hairpins on the wrong side of the road with clearly no visibility of what was coming. Absolutely stupid moves by not one but many tens of riders. I was shocked at some of the idiots riding up the moutainand what they would do to get passed people going slightly slower. It has to be said that it was just the start of what would become the norm in the Italian Alps.. Stupid motorcyclists going wayy to fast on the wrong side of the road around blind corners.. And they say the Germans are “smart”.. ha ha ha.. I call it survival of the fitest.

After a long day riding we completed only about 170km but in that time we did 6 very amazing mountain passes the biggest of which was Stelvio. However the others seemed to be much better.

Passa Gavia 2652 meters

Passa Gavia 2652 meters

The top of one had at least 3 meters of snow still on the ground at 2600+ meters above sea level. The glaciers that we saw up there really amazed Heather and I. The big problem we discovered about these mountain passes was that the concentration required to go up and down was immense. Let alone the physical side where we have to wrestle the bikes with all the luggage up and down. It really took it out of us.. While crossing one more mountain pass we saw a nice little area that we could camp in the forest. It was a nice little spot at around 1800 meters above sea level.. The mosquito problem was immense but that just meant we had an early night so we could rise early and do yet more mountain passes. The alps has been a real highlight for us so far on this trip. Having been several times before, but never on motorcycles its really come into its own. I would highly recommend anyone with a motorcycle to ride the alps. Its roads and scenery keep the mind going at 110% the entire time.

Another major shock to the system was that the tunnels down the southern side of Stelvio don’t have lights on and have close to hair pin corners in them. Which is very dangerous especially with cars and other motorcyclists going the other direction.. Not to mention wearing sun glasses.. Its crazy.. but then that’s what this adventure is all about.. living to tell the tale.

Freiburg.. Freiburg.. Austria…

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

After our eventful night camping in freiburg where we got a huge downpour resulting in a very wet morning. After a brief breakfast we headed in to town where we used the internet cafe to update the previous blog post… That was just where the fun began. After our blog post we realised that the time on our laptop was still setup as UK time. We raced back to check out of the campsite before it closed for a few hours at 1pm… After getting out about 5minutes to 1 we went to hein gericke to get a new mirror and headlamp for heathers bike.. She broke her mirror when she dropped her bike all the way back in Belgium.. We managed to find a mirror that almost looks the same for a bargin price of 32euro… sweet.. the people in hein gericke thought it was strange that she did not need two matching mirrors.. well they found out why about 5minutes later when we went to leave heather dropped her bike again.. In front of the shop.. in the middle of a very busy road. Not only did she drop her bike but she also broke her pannier rack.. whoo hoooooo success.. nothing like some broken bike bits to really make this an adventure. After struggling to pick up the bike the hein gericke staff actually came to the rescue and helped get the bike up.. and repaired.. Thanks!!!.. They stayed out the front to watch heather successfully leave about 30 minutes later with her bike in one piece.

After finallly getting out of town we rode some amazing black forest roads which I can highly rate for anyone who is into beautiful scenery and amazing roads. I will upload the gpx files from the GPS with the exact routes soon…. After being so hot in freiburg it was artic cold across the top of the black forest mountains. We ended up finding a camp site on a big lake near the Swiss border… for you guessed it.. crap weather.. it rained pretty much the entire night and when we woke it was still raining. We cooked breakfast in the annex of the tent and prepared to get going.. As soon as we put on our over coats the dam weather started to improve.. typical. The over suits turn into ovens when the weather is good.. hopefully they will be useful when we are in Siberia in 5months time… Its odd thinking.. 5 months here we are only in our second week and we have another 5+ months to go worst case…

This leads us to our trip. After leaving the camp site on the lake we took our third ferry trip for the journey. Crossed the lake on route to Austria. After reaching Austria we did some minor bike service tasks and headed for our first proper mountain pass. The “Hof” which we managed to get across without any incident.. mountain passes 0 bikes 1… Now we are sitting in a beautiful town in the Alps chilling out and taking a day off to do some hiking in the beautiful scenery..

The "Hof" view Austria

The "Hof" view Austrial

After leaving our first campsite in Austria we got to look down on our first real panoramic view of the valley where we camped.

Looking down into the valley our campsite was in.

Looking down into the valley our campsite was in.

Here is an image of the storm coming in at the campsite.

Storms coming in while camping in Austria

Storms coming in while camping in Austria