Archive for the 'Siberia' Category

Russian Border to Khabarovsk

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

Beautiful Lake - Russia

Beautiful Lake – Russia

After getting back into Russia for our third time it was time to fill up the bikes with newly cheaper fuel, get some lunch and enjoy the sunshine. Heather in hIt was freezing in the wind but out of the wind it was really nice and warm at around 15c. The only problem was that out of the wind we got attacked by these bloody midges, which hung around our faces like a swam of locusts. Heather was particularly keen on them.. That’s all I can say about that.. te he he.. ohhh okay you twisted my arm.. all she could think about was how she couldn’t handle two weeks of these bugs while we crossed the remainder of Russia…. ohh and there was at least two hundred and sixty seven tantrums… okay maybe only twenty.. (HL: whatever, James was the only one having wobblies).. After getting a fire going to keep the bugs away (HL: by sitting in the smoke) we relaxed for a few hours before making our way north. The warm weather was brilliant to take advantage of it we thought we would call it a day early and found a lake to camp by.. there was what looked like an unused rail road around the edge of the lake on the eastern side where people fished. Heather was setting up the tent and I was collecting some fire wood only to be disturbed by a huge mining bulldozer which clearly used the road to get back. We had to quickly unpack everything (HL: by throwing the tent in a ditch) and pushing the bikes up a small slope to be out of the way of the bulldozer, then moving them again as it was getting bigger as it approached .. it was all very exciting as it was night so just had massive lights on us, we hoped like hell that the guy wouldn’t be coming back any time soon.. especially while we slept in the tent.. (more…)

Siberia the Russian Altai to Mongolia

Monday, September 14th, 2009

Turbaza Log Cabin - Russia

Turbaza Log Cabin - Russia

After getting Heathers bike fixed by Victor it was around 9pm at night.. unfortunately we had yet to organise a hotel and needed to find accommodation. Without us even asking we got asked if we wanted to stay with Victor (the mechanic/bike god) and his girlfriend. We repacked Heathers bike, and helped clean up (a little bit)…. and then set off… Heather decided to take the wrong turn when Victors girlfriend turned away from the convoy… we soon got back to Victors place after a quick stop off at the supermarket to get some food, beer etc… After a beer and a beautiful meal we sat down and chatted (as best we could when we didn’t speak much Russian) over shots of vodka and ground black pepper… we soon got loads of great tips on where we should go and what there was to see on our route through the Altai to Mongolia… (more…)